Professional Standards

Child Safety Standards

From the recent Royal Commission into child safety, the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) has developed 10 standards that are being rolled out to all congregations. Our Church Council is working through the Implementation stage of the plan. The plan is available for download here.

Professional Standards

Demonstrating God’s love for us, by the way we behave towards one another, is central to life in our church.

It is important that we clearly articulate the standard of behaviour we expect from one another, not using vague language, but in useful practical terms. The LCA has adopted Standards of Ethical Behaviour that express in simple and clear language how we can demonstrate and declare God’s love to one another by how we conduct ourselves in our:

  • personal behaviour
  • pastoral care
  • caring for children
  • communications
  • financial and administrative matters

LOVE COMES TO LIFE when we treat each other with courtesy and respect, and when the way we behave towards each other reflects the way God loves us.

The Professional Standards Department (PSD) assists congregations and other bodies to promote high standards of ethical behaviour and care for all, and especially for children and others in vulnerable circumstance, by providing a comprehensive training program.  

Required training

Level 1Level 2Role
xxGeneral Church Board member
xxGovernance/council chair or their representative
xxSafe Church Coordinator, ministry leader, person in key decision-making position (eg Sunday school superintendent)
(x)(x)Employee/volunteer, where and as specified in their position description
xPastor emeritus in active service
xBoard member/council member/committee member/district or general synod delegate
xChaplain/elder/pastoral assistant/lay reader/lay worship leader/usher
xPerson (paid or volunteer) who engages with children or vulnerable persons as part of their ministry/position
(x)Congregation members welcome (not required)

Safe Church Face-to-Face, Online Training and Refresher Training

The training is part of the LCA’s commitment to reflecting God’s love through the way we treat each other and those who come into contact with our church. It is also designed to meet our commitments under the National Council of Churches Safe Church Training Agreement.

Some topics covered in the Safe Church training may raise sensitivities for you. It is important that you do what you need to do, to feel comfortable. Everyone is different – for many, face-to-face training will be better because you are likely to be surrounded by friends who can care for you. Others might prefer to undertake the online training, in the comfort of their own home and amongst family.

Child Protection Policies and Procedures

06.03 Child Protection Policy

06.03-1 Child Protection Procedure


For further information, contact:

Queensland’s Professional Standards Officer, Elizabeth Kloeden
0437 252 736 or

St John’s Eight Mile Plains Safe Church Coordinator, Vicki Francis

Or visit the Safe Church Training page on the LCA website.