Hall Hire
St John’s Hall is available for booking for events during the year.
If interested please contact Col Vietheer (0421 636 806, cjvietheer@hotmail.com).
Congratulations! May God bless you as you begin your wedding preparations and always as you share your lives together.
The following provides a brief guideline for weddings held at St John’s. Please note that all weddings are held at the discretion of the pastor.
Marriage celebrant
Ordinarily this will be the pastor of St John’s. An external celebrant may conduct the ceremony, but only if they are an ordained Christian minister or Christian celebrant.
Church hire from $300
Church Stewart $150
Additional fees may apply
Marriage Preparation
Couples are required to go through a brief Marriage Preparation course. Usually this will be with the pastor, but alternative arrangements may be made.
To request more information email admin@sjlc.org.au or 0421 148 550