Girls Brigade

The Girls’ Brigade Australia Inc.




gee bee2        gb crest


24 Levington Road, EIGHT MILE PLAINS 4113


Cadets :  6:30pm – 8:00pm

Juniors, Seniors, Pioneers :  6:30pm – 8:30pm


CAPTAIN                        Mrs Heidi Barnes (0432 811 190)



4/90 Wecker Road, MANSFIELD 4122

Phone 07 3849 4129



The Girls’ Brigade is an interdenominational and international uniformed organisation for girls of all ages operating through local churches.


The well planned program covers a wide range of activities which help the physical, mental and spiritual growth of the girls. Starting with a simple scheme, the program develops into a wider sphere of work, leading on to the full range of subjects and projects including Duke of Edinburgh and Queen’s Award (the highest award in Girls’ Brigade). These present an exciting challenge to the older teenagers. Girls are also encouraged to take part in Leadership Training within the Brigade.


To help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through self-control, reverence, and a true sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.


Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.


  • The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Scriptures and seeks to fulfill its aim to the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • The Brigade witnesses to the standards set by Jesus Christ for the whole of life.
  • The Brigade gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to the social evils facing its members.


Dear Lord we thank you for this day

That we can seek in every way –

To always serve and follow you.

So grant us rest the whole night through.  Amen.


In the centre a CROSS, a symbol of Christ and His Church

Below it a LAMP, that our light may shine out upon the world.

Above it a CROWN, that we may own Christ as our KING.

And behind it all a TORCH, a flame of Christ’s loving spirit and our devotion to Him.


Every girl is encouraged to be actively associated with her own particular church, through Sunday School, Youth Group or any other children’s group, and to attend these regularly. The best way to achieve this is by the example we set as parents. If you are not in membership or worship regularly at a local church we invite you to join with us at St John’s each Sunday.  Please go back to St John’s home page for more information.

The girls are encouraged to attend church parades in uniform three (3) times during the year. They are usually held at St John’s and at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, the dates are given to families when set/known.


Girls attend up to six (6) company nights before going into uniform. Uniforms can be purchased through the Captain, and sometimes there is a small number of second hand uniforms available.


The Pioneers run a canteen once a month with proceeds assisting them to attend Leadership training programs.


Yearly fees are distributed at the beginning of each year.

Alternatively girls may pay $4 each week, even if there is non – attendance.

All visitors pay this amount.


  • The whistle means silence please.
  • Long hair to be tied back with plain hair tie or red ribbon (Cadets) or royal blue for Juniors, Seniors and Pioneers.
  • No jewellery to be worn except plain sleepers or studs, one dress ring and a watch. A Medic-alert bracelet or necklace is permitted if required.
  • Girls may not leave their unit at any time without permission and should participate in all activities (unless they have a legitimate excuse).
  • No chewing gum or bubble gum.
  • All items brought to Brigade should be clearly marked.
  • Attend church parades as often as possible.


Brigade is a commitment for the girls a commitment that is rewarded with Service Awards as well Achievement Awards.

To earn the Blue Service Award, the girls must attend 90% of Brigade nights, as well as attending Divisional functions and wear their uniform correctly. Behaviour and attitude are also taken into account.

To earn the Gold Service Award, the girls need to qualify for the Blue Service Award and also attend Church / Sunday School at least 80% of the time. There is no loss of points if a girl is ill or the family is on holidays. They are also allowed four (4) nights per year for school commitments.

It is important you advise the Captain if your daughter is not attending for any of these reasons.

In any twelve month period the minimum number of weeks for either Service Award is thirty (30).

Achievement Awards are given upon completion of a suggested course of work or specific subjects assigned to help the girls to:-

  • Develop their skills and interests.
  • Learn to work with others.
  • Be prepared to give herself in service to others as she becomes more aware of the world around her.
  • Appreciate how Christ is relevant to all of life’s activities.


(Prep to Year 2 at School)

A Cadet can earn three (3) awards during the three years in this unit. The award work is divided into four sections:- Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Social resulting in a balanced program of activities to help the girl grow in body, mind and spirit and to become aware of the needs of others.


(Year 3 to Year 6 at School)

Juniors can earn four (4) awards (symbolising the motto), at least one achievement from each aspect for each circle. The aspects are:- Spiritual (eg My Church) Physical (eg Team Games) Educational (eg Pets) Social (eg Our Community).


(Year 7 to Year 8 at School)

Girls can earn two (2) awards with the symbol – “Serving Hands”.  They do a basic section of work and then some additional fun activities. Topics covered may include Astronomy, Camping, Canoeing and Photography. During Seniors, girls can also earn the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award.


(Year 9 and up)

A Pioneer has the opportunity to strive towards several goals. She commences by working towards four (4) Triangle Awards (symbol is a Crown depicting “Christ is King”) which she earns by completing achievement work to reach a required number of hours. The sections are Skills (learning the basics of the work), Spiritual (relating what she has been doing and learning to her Christian life), Service (using what she has learnt to bring help or enjoyment to others).

There is a wide range of activities and subjects for her to choose from including sports and outdoor activities, bible study, personal development, cultural activities and citizenship.

Pioneers are able to participate in an extended program to promote leadership. Following the completion of Preliminary Leadership Training they may choose to complete one or more of the following:-

  • Girls Brigade Leadership (working with a group, program ideas, drill etc.)
  • Recreational Leadership (games, singing, craft)
  • Spiritual Leadership (leading discussions, worship, devotions etc.)
  • Administrative Leadership (committee procedures, being a good chairman, member etc.)
  • Indoor Camping (how to plan and run an indoor camp).

Cadet Uniform

A change has been made to the State and National Uniform where the cap is no longer part of the official uniform.  However it is each individual companies decision to remove it or continue to use it. Our decision is to continue with the cap as part of our official uniform.

Skort – Royal blue skorts may be purchased from State Office in sewn or kit form.

Blouse – White blouse as worn by the older girls, but  no badge on the pocket.

Sash – A red sash is worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm. The sash’s finished width is 10cm. It is attached to the blouse under the left epaulette.

Cap – Forage cap with a woven crest on a white background.

Socks – Short white ankle socks

In winter, blue winter-weight tights may be worn.

Shoes – Flat black or brown school shoes.

Jumper – Red fleecy or knitted cardigan or red windcheater as required.

Hair tie – Red hair tie for girls whose hair reaches collar length.

Jewellery – Watch, Medic-alert bracelet /necklace (if applicable, one pair of studs or sleepers, one dress ring.

Cadet Awards 

Awards are worn on the sash.

Junior, Senior, Pioneer Uniform

All uniforms must be ordered through Girls’ Brigade Headquarters or via the Captain. Summer & Winter uniforms are the same, with the option of wearing royal blue fleecy track pants with white blouse or roll neck skivvy and Girls’ Brigade royal blue V neck pullover in winter. Sashes are worn over the pullover.

A change has been made to the State and National Uniform where the cap is no longer part of the official uniform.  However it is each individual companies decision to remove it or continue to use it. Our decision is to continue with the cap as part of our official uniform.

  1. Cap with Crest to denote the unit the girl belongs to. ie. navy blue for Juniors, maroon for Seniors and pale blue for Pioneers. This is sewn 2.5cm from the centre fold on the left hand side and reaching the bottom edge of the cap.
  2. White blouse with Crest on pocket.
  3. Royal blue skirt which must have a minimum length of 5cm above the floor when kneeling.
  4. Sash – royal blue, worn over the right shoulder and attached under the right epaulette.
  5. Short plain white socks, or for Pioneers, flesh coloured stockings.
  6. Polishable brown or black plain school shoes.
  7. Royal blue hair ties are required for collar-length hair.

Important note about badges – 

  • Service award numbers need to be removed each year and replaced by the new number.
  • Awards must be touching. If the first award is a Junior, Senior or Pioneer award, it is sewn touching the 79th Brisbane badge.
  • Awards are to be centered when moving to a new unit. i.e. If only two awards have been gained in cadets, they are to be centered rather than placed to the left.
  • Junior, Senior and Pioneer Awards.

Awards are worn on the sash.




The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant denomination in the world. However, many people in our community seem to have little understanding of what this church stands for. A brief summary follows:-

The Bible – We believe that the Bible is God’s word. We believe that God makes himself known to people through the Bible, and that the Bible clearly expresses God’s plan to save all people.

God – We believe that God is the creator of everything that exists and that he gives life to all living beings.

Human Beings – We believe that human beings were created by God so that they could know God and live in fellowship with him.  We believe that human beings were originally in a right relationship with God, without sin, but that of their own free choice they fell into sin and became separated from God.

Sin – We believe that sin is every attitude and action against God and his will, and that because of their sin all human beings are guilty before God and face death and eternal separation from God.

Redemption – We believe that God has shown mercy towards all people and has set them free from sin through the life and death of Jesus Christ, son of Mary and Son of God.  We believe that Jesus Christ, by his death on the cross, paid the penalty for sin for all people, and that he was shown to be the Saviour of the world when God raised him from death.

Faith – We believe that all who turn away from their sins and put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour receive forgiveness of sins, are declared righteous by God, and are given eternal life.  We believe that the Christian church consists of all who are believers in Christ, and that the church exists wherever the faith of the apostles is taught and the sacraments are made available to people in the right way.

Sacraments – We believe that the sacrament of baptism is the means through which God gives his grace and forgiveness of sins to both infants and adults. We believe that when people eat the bread and drink the wine in the sacrament of the Lord’s supper they receive the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ, and that their sins are forgiven because of Christ’s death on the cross.

Second Coming of Christ – We believe that Christ will come again in glory at the end of time as the judge of all people.

Resurrection – We believe that on the last day everyone will be raised to life, and that those who belong to Christ will live in heaven forever.
